Visual point of Asia Islamic society

Visual point of Asia Islamic society

Visual point of Asia Islamic society () Islamization of complex society in Malaysia Monthly magazine of the Islamic relationship that has been published in London "Arabia (Arabia)" date issue, in recent years of Ma Leh Shea Taken a relatively moderate Islamic approach of the definitive, [can brother Idasu in our era, the Islamic state model . The most was also criticism the near casting is] to Dell it continued Ke further in the following manner: [Malaysia prospered moderately, a highly Ri democratic nation der, also in a model of racial harmony and national security. It Also there is a gradually, is a country that is being advanced surely I suited the purpose of the ideal Islamic state. Population This country half of a non-Muslim, put on you realize this model, and increase the aggressiveness, more and more momentum Izui ing().] Malaysia is also looking at geographical world distribution or Luo Muslim, also whether et al saw domestic religion ratio (Muslim population) Also, it is located in so-called frontier corresponds to the contact of a non-Islamic society (or secular society).

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